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Do You Know Difference Between F5 and CTRL+F5
While debugging code or writing code many developers come across refreshing a page, but do you know what exactly the difference between F5 and CTRL+F5? When a user press F5 a new request is sent to the web server and in it sends backs a response for the request as well. But when the response header […]
MySQL Offset Limit Data Selections
MySQL provides a LIMIT clause that is used to specify the number of records to return. The LIMIT clause makes it easy to code multi page results or pagination with SQL, and is very useful on large tables. Assume we wish to select all records from 1 – 30 (inclusive) from a table called “Orders”. […]
Common Cloud Security Issues That Entrepreneurs Come Across
Among the companies that are totally successful when taking advantage of cloud, there are others that are concerned about how safe their data and documents are when it leaves the company’s firewall. Below are some of the most common cloud security threats that businesses can face. Cloud Security Issues That Entrepreneurs Come Across Security of […]