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How to Get/Create Google Analytics HeatMap Plugin on Websites or Blogs
If you have a website or blog then using Heat Map analytics you can know more details of your website like how many users visited, Page Views, Unique Pageviews, Time Spent on the website etc., and there is a free Heat Map tool from Google which you can create/implement or use on your websites. Google […]
Decimal(5,3) in Mysql is always 99.999
The maximum value for decimal(5,3) is 99.999, it means 5 digits with 3 digits after decimal, and whenever you try to insert or update more than 99.999 value it is automatically capped to 9.99 in mysql. This Try decimal(5, 2) Decimal(5,3) is used for financial values or less than 100% values. If you want to […]
Search and Retrieve Data from MySQL DB Using PHP
Below is the Simple PHP and MYSQL Search Program. Use below database queries: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,Name varchar(20) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)); INSERT INTO user (id, Name) VALUES (‘1’, ‘vicky’), (‘2’, ‘vivek’); Below is the sample program: