Copy below code in a notepad and save it as alert.vbs (as all files) X=Msgbox(“Your system is Hacked! Please Contact IT Support Immediately.”,0+3,”Alert!”) Now run alert.vbs to show alert box on your windows machine. Change 0+3 to 0+16 to show different alert box.
VB Script
How to Create document using VB Script
To create a document using VB script you need a text editor and use the below code. VB script must be ended by using .vbs VB script runs only on Internet Explorer browser. <script type=”text/vbscript”>Set word = CreateObject(“Word.Application”)Set ActiveDocument = word.Documents.Add()ActiveDocument.TypeText “My first document”ActiveDocument.TypeParagraph()ActiveDocument.SaveAs(“c:sample.doc”)</body></script>