If you have a new blog or website or a business website and want to fetch in search results of Google Search or yahoo or Bing then you need to manually submit your website link to the search engines then only the search engine will know that a new website has born, if you not […]
Below are the best 12 Key Points of SEO which will Improve your Website or Blog Traffic, when posting or publishing an article. 12 Key Points of SEO 1. Domain name should be like a keyword, keep it short you can also use hyphens in domain name, hyphen separates as keyword. 2. Use of H1 […]
What is meant by SEO? SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is nothing but optimizing web pages of a website or blog. So what happens? Learn SEO in 15 Minutes By using SEO techniques web pages will become more search engine friendly, thus it will appear in top position in search results. How many types of SEO […]